Egg & Sperm Donation

Let's Explore
What’s the process for selecting egg or sperm donors?
Selecting an egg or sperm donor involves an extensive evaluation of the donor’s medical history, including physical and genetic assessments. Donors undergo rigorous screening, including tests for infectious diseases, genetic disorders, and counselling to ensure their suitability.
How are sperm donors matched to recipients?
Newcastle Fertility Specialists provide a comprehensive sperm donor service for same sex couples, single women & heterosexual couples.
Sperm donors in NSW may be
- known (bring your own donor)
- unknown but identifiable (clinic provides donor) Genea Sperm Donors
- unknown but identifiable sperm imported from an overseas sperm bank (European Sperm Donor Bank & Fairfax Cryobank)
There is currently no waiting list for access to the overseas sperm donors & they are available for use with both insemination and IVF cycles. Local donors are available immediately but few of these donors are Caucasian. Local donors are not available for inseminations- only IVF. Age limits do apply for accessing our sperm donors (<45 years). If you would like more information on our donor program, please email who would be delighted to help.
“We encourage people to think about if there is a friend or a family member that you’d like to approach to be a donor for you and we call that known donation.”.
— Dr Myvanwy McIlveen
How are egg donors matched to recipients?
At Newcastle Fertility Specialists we provide a comprehensive donor egg service for those couples or women who may require this form of treatment. Under NSW law egg donors must be identifiable. Egg donors may be:
- Known (bring your own)
- Identifiable but not known (Newcastle Egg Donors)
We know how daunting it can be to find a donor & our dedicated egg donor coordinators (Sally & Jess) work hard to help you every step of the way. We can help with advertising, internet recruitment and screening of your egg donor to make the process as easy as it can possibly be. Or if you wish to go on our register, we can find a donor for you with Newcastle Egg Donors (waiting times & age limits do apply). We are always actively recruiting egg donors.
What are the legal and ethical considerations with egg and sperm donation?
All donors are comprehensively screened and comply with NSW law. At your counselling session, before you proceed with treatment, the legal situation will be explained. We also ask you to consider how your donor conceived offspring may feel in the future. Donor conception network. Medicare rebates are offered for using sperm donors for all patients unless you do not have a medicare card.